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Health & Wellbeing Resources

Welcome to the Health and Wellbeing Page 





Health and Wellbeing can be such a personal matter. We understand that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution and what works for one person might not work quite as well for another.

So, to help you find your own health and wellbeing pathway, we'll be sharing newsletters, tools, tips, videos and resources to support your journey.





Why Health and Wellbeing Matters? 

Good health and wellbeing is about the mind as well as the body, feeling physically fit and feeling good about ourselves, means that we can go and achieve more of the things we want to do in our lives. 

The best way to stay healthy - physically and mentally is by learning how to take care of yourself and about the support you can get to help with any problems you might be experiencing. 





Please watch this short video on, 'What are the five ways to wellbeing'.   This video is an animation that focuses on the five ways to wellbeing from Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership.



Perth & Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership Newsletter

 Please click on the link to read the Employee Health and Wellbeing Newsletter. Its full of helpful hints and guidance to staying healthy and looking after yourself.

This month you'll read about habit, sleep, the benefits of walking, you'll hear from colleagues and lots more.

 Employee Health & Wellbeing Issue No.13 – Perth & Kinross Council Staff Information (

 Also we have the PKC Staff Wellbeing  Page lots of great and informative information and resources to explore  just click the link.... 

PKC Staff Wellbeing Page









Coming soon..... Dr Alison Rowlands, Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Lead clinician NHS Tayside Addiction Psychology Service talks to our Podcast crew on ways of caring for ourselves and resources available to support us  on the pathway out of  COVID19. 



Healthy Mind Tayside

By Alba Tost
Please listen to the Healthy Mind which is a Podcast series created by mental health professionals covering a variety of subjects related to mental health. The aim of the series is to provide easy access, useful information on the subject of your interest.
Please click the link to listen.... Healthy Mind Tayside Podcast





Time to Reflect Sessions


During the pandemic we came together in all aspects of our work and lives like never before.  Now as we gently move forward we recognise that this is a time for reflection. To share our stories, of sadness, happiness and what strengths have that kept us going in this ever changing world. 

We would like to invite you, your team, or group to  come together in a safe space to explore what this means to you, your family, your work and your life moving forward.

If you feel this could support you and others you know then please send us an email and we can can arrange to meet and discuss what we do next.






Five Ways to Look After Your Wellbeing

Please watch this short video from Mind, the mental heath charity which explores ways of looking after yourself if you are a student or could apply to support us all.

"Five ways you can look after your wellbeing. It has some great tips and ideas.  Don't worry if some ideas don't work for you - just enjoy the ones that do".

Mind, the mental health charity 2021



 Psychological Wellbeing Information and Guidance 

Following the pandemic and the impact this has had on our lives, work and communities Dr Alison Rowlands, Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Lead clinician NHS Tayside Addiction Psychology Service recognised the need for a pathway of  resources, information and guidance to help us care for ourselves as we move forward.

This Psychological Wellbeing Booklet has been co-designed by Dr Alison Rowlands and the Perth and Kinross HSCP Design Team.

Please feel free to  email if you require booklets.







Below are key resources mentioned  in the booklet that can support you and others....   

 National Wellbeing Hub

The Scottish Government set up the National Wellbeing Hub in May 2020 in light of the Coronavirus pandemic which aims to support people working in Health and Social Care. The hub has been organised to offer support to individuals by providing resources and signposting to other sources of support. It also provides a collection of resources to people who are managers and in a role of supporting staff.

The wellbeing hub has an extensive collection of resources that could be very beneficial to many, please take the time you need to explore the site and become familiar with the content as it could be vital to you and others you work with or support. 

To access the webinar programme of events for Health and Social Care staff,

you can visit the National Wellbeing Hub by clicking here.



The Hospice UK

"The Hospice UK Just B Helpline sees our specially trained staff and volunteers offer emotional wellbeing, bereavement and trauma support nationally to NHS, Care sector staff and emergency service workers" Just B

The helpline is open 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm and the number is 0300 303 4434




Silver Cloud  

SilverCloud is an online self-help programme using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).  CBT looks at how our thoughts, feeling and behaviours all interact with one another.   

SilverCloud Health





Sleepio is a science based approach to support you explore your sleep patters and how to improve your sleep. It is a  6 week online program designed by sleep experts and based on cognitive and behavioural techniques 






Positive Postcards.....Just for You  

Why not send someone you work with a wee message  just to say....

Your doing a great job

I really appreciate you

thank you 




To get your Positive Postcards sent today please email:   




This partnership work has been recognised at the NHS Education for Scotland Bereavement Conference 2021 and won the poster competition. We were delighted with the feedback. It was said that this work is "very valuable...caring for and working with our care homes...recognised trauma faced and is collaborative, innovative and a team effort". Most of all it is important to us that we support each other in time of need. Here is the poster we submitted...

enabling emotional and psychological wellbeing in care home final version 1 .pdf




What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Watch this short video from Mind, the mental health charity on 'making sense of CBT' 

 If you want to know more then just click the link  Mind, the mental health charity





Factors of Happiness 




GOGA Tayside FREE Online Activity Programme Week Beginning Monday 27th September 2021





The National Wellbeing Hub News 2021 

"We have produced a resource / advice sheet for everyone working in health and social work/social care:   Feeling anxious about restrictions being lifted? Here’s how you can stay in control  It is in response to reports of increased levels of anxiety amongst the workforce and carers in the context of restrictions being lifted.

Please take the necessary action to make your colleagues aware of the new resource via your organisations intranets and other communication channels.

We have also issued a tweet about the resource:

Grateful if you could retweet it asap for the benefit and to raise awareness of the resource amongst staff in your organisation / membership/ networks."

from the National Wellbeing Hub






Health and Wellbeing Resource Library  

Spaces for Listening is an idea developed by Brigid Russell and Charlie Jones, that we are offering here in P&K. A space to listened and be heard. 

Emma Jane Bell delivers online webinars and workshops to over two thousand people over lockdown on topics ranging from ‘How to Build a Resilient Mindset’, ‘Building Resilience on Purpose’ to ‘Building Resilient Relationships’ and more.


Health at Hand™ | Scottish Ballet   explore this wonderful resource all about movement and wellbeing.


Staff Wellbeing Service  can be accessed by workers from care homes. 'Here to listen' provides 1:1 confidential support.  


Mind, the mental health charity provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. 


How to Stay Calm in a Global Pandemic by Dr Emma Hepburn


Coaching for Wellbeing supported through Project Lift


 NHS Education for Scotland - on line WELLBEING module