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Learning Disability Day Support Collaborative Project

Welcome to the Learning Disability Day Support Collaborative Project Page. 

We wish to share with you this national co-design project. We are a partnership group working with the people of Perth & Kinross who access day services, their families, support workers and our local partners. This page  will create a space to share what the vision is, why it matters, and elements of our journey together.


Our most recent event within the project - March 2023

March 2023. 

People from across Perth & Kinross gathered to explore ways to create better day opportunities for people with Learning Disabilities.

Some of those taking part are themselves people who use these services, along with people who work in Health, Social Care, Third sector and Higher Education. 

In teams they tested how they could work together, designing services that matter to the people who use them.

The video we’re sharing here (for the first time!) let’s you hear, in their own words, what they had to say about the process, what they learned and how they’d like to move take their ideas forward…



The Jam was a collaborative co design process…

 this approach emphasises relationships, empathy and

a deep understanding of the needs & perspectives

of everyone involved, to:

•  identify areas for improvement;

•  co create solutions; and…

•  build trust…

Using a range of tools & techniques, such as:

•  user research,

•  journey mapping

• and prototyping,

the teams developed a series of service ideas that centre on what matters to the individuals…

So what did they think..?

Well watch for yourself!

Again, the video lets you hear from the people taking part and what the process meant to them… in just three key words each.


The Jam is part of a wider co-design exploration in Perth & Kinross that is curious about:

•  the power of stories,

•  meaningful human connection,

•  and creativity.

 The goal is, to transform the way we do things, to create equitable and inclusive spaces, for collaborative and joyful experiences.

 And in so doing, we hope to enable, imagine, and develop opportunities that support our unique and beautiful lives... joining together for a good life.

 Thank you so much to everyone involved

The Joining Together for a Good Life Team



As part of our work, we listen to people's stories and experiences, so we can all learn and make improvements that make a difference to people. We would love to hear your story. 

Paul, a member of our Project Team, shares his story and how you can get in touch...


 Find out more about the project Here


An Update from the Team in relation to the Story Sharing

As an update following our request to you in relation to sharing stories, we want to say a huge...


to all of you who have been sharing your stories with us. It has been such a privilege to listen. 

We are currently collating the information from the stories and analysing it. We shall be in touch again soon.

If you would like to share your story and have not yet contacted us, please see the contact details at the end of the video above.

Many thanks again

The project team - Joining Together for a Good Life 


More about the Project...

What is the Project?

The Learning Disability Day Support Collaborative will focus on exploring opportunities for transforming services to best meet the needs of supported people and their unpaid carers/families.   

Perth and Kinross Health and Social care Partnership was chosen to be part of the  Learning Disability Day Support Collaborative  Project and will work alongside another Falkirk, North Ayrshire and Lothian Health and Social Care Partnerships,  with support Healthcare Improvement Scotland iHub.

You can find up to date information about this project, including reports on the National Learning events, Learning from within the project, Focus groups and Feedback in  iHub news and here


The collaborative aim to  define and plan their approach to the future delivery of day support for adults with learning disability to best meet the needs of individuals and their families/carers. The project team all bring skills and expertise in service design, commissioning, strategic planning, engagement, quality improvement and community led approaches. 





What is Collaboration?

 What makes co-production different from participation?

Please watch this video form the Social Care Institute for Excellence which describes what co-production is and how to develop co-productive approaches to working with people who use services and carers. It explains the difference between co-production and participation.





Why it Matters?

Co-design and Coproduction is about bringing people and organisations together around a shared vision.   It encourages people from different backgrounds and lived experiences to work together in an more inclusive space and create meaningful supports and services. Enabling everyone once to contribute equally their  skills, gifts and knowledge. Collaboration can bring new ideas and opportunities,  empowering individuals to have more choice and control over the services they wish to access in the community.


Key Principles we aim to achieve: 

  • Collaboration, trust and empowerment: defining the culture
  • Equality and asset focused: people are treated as equals, building on their strengths and gifts
  • Ensure a range of support options are available to enable adult with learning disabilities to have choice and control as outline in the values of Self-Directed Support, which underpins the reform of adult social care in Scotland. 
  • Support carers/family members to access a break from caring through the provision of day support.
  • Support people to be fully involved in decision making and the co-design of local solutions/services to support them. 
  • Develop effective collaborative working across the full range of local providers.






The Story of Co-Design by thinkpublic

Please watch this short video on co-design and why it matters.






"the is a news and information service for Scotland’s health and social care sector.''

''we provide a single platform for reporting what's happening, sharing ideas and providing insight and analysis about the organisations and people delivering health and care across Scotland – and all those who support them.''

( 2021)

Health & Care - Story (



Derek Sivers introduced 'first follower theory' at the 2010 TED (technology, entertainment, design) conference.   According to Sivers, the first follower is what transforms an individual with a unique idea into a leader.

Please watch this short TED Talk video 'How to start a movement' by Derek Sivers which explains the theory. 




Click on the box  to meet the project team and read their individual stories.....   


Meet the Project Team






To enable the project team with a starting point, explore who we are and what we stand for, we used a Happy Start Up Canvas .  This was developed by the The Happy Start Up School and enabled us to explore  'What is our Story,  Our Purpose, Vision and Values' on this journey.      



We became involved to enable the voices of those with LD/other disabilities and their parents/carers/loved ones.   We believe in true Collaboration and Co-design empowering change and embracing choice through coming together.




To enable people with learning and other disabilities and their parents/carers/loved ones to “have a good life”, where we embrace aspiration and integration within  communities.





To co-design new day activities with people who have lived experience. Individuals with learning disabilities and learning difficulties are empowered to choose what supports they wish to have within their communities.



Equality, Inclusion and Aspiration.

Trust, Empathy, Fairness, Integrity, Creativity   

Bring people together

Person Centred 






We know that there are many different experiences, perspectives and stories which could influence our work.

When embracing a project like this, to enable change to happen and to support people to live their life, we need to be honest about our assumptions, preconceived ideas and limited insight.

We want to enhance all our experiences and to do this we need to listen, empathise, embrace diversity and create a space where the many perspectives which exist are included.

We like this TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, where she shares her experience and emphasises the importance of listening to the many stories and ‘The danger of the single story’  





Resources to Explore


Scottish Governments 2020 Vision Everyone Matters

Scotland's Health and Social Care Standards

Keys to Life Strategy

Scottish Strategy for Autism 2018 - 2021

 Self-Directed Support Strategy 2010 -2020

The Scottish Approach to Service Design

A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People

National Standards for Community Engagement Charter

 Carers Act Scotland 2016

Procurement Reform/Scotland Act



If you are interested to find out more about this work or if you live in P&K and would like to share your story or have ideas about getting involved, please contact us at: