PK Learning & Development

PK Learning & Development

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What Matters To You Wording
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Welcome to the Perth and Kinross

What Matters to You pages. 

What Matters To You Logo 

We are really excited to be working together with you and Tommy Whitelaw over the coming year.  The What Matters to You? movement will support our localities to embed a collaborative, collective approach across Perth and Kinross while recognising the huge importance of nurturing and developing the way we work, teams and relationships. 

Each locality will have 4 days of Tommy’s time and this is a fantastic opportunity to enable us to engage the heart and minds of those who plan and deliver care in our localities. The WMTY approach advocates respect, innovation and action to improve outcomes for colleagues and in turn the people and communities we serve.  There will need to be open and honest discussion about the whole system to enable clarity and consistency of vision, direction and purpose across our localities embedding our values of ambition, compassion and  integrity.  This will allow us to explore so many possibilities to really make a difference for us as an integrated workforce and to the people we serve.


 Our Publication

At the celebration event on 23rd May 2024 we were very proud to launch the publication 'Celebrating People.' This was made in collaboration with the wonderful people at ALLIANCE Scotland and chronicles the work that has been conducted across Perth and Kinross over the past year around WMTY. We are extremely proud of this publication and once again would like to give a special thanks to Irene Oldfather and Naya Koulocheri from the ALLIANCE who worked tirelessly to pull this together, we can't thank them enough. 


celebrating people perth 28 pages digital.pdf

 You can download the PDF in full here: Celebrating People - Perth (Digital PDF)

What Matters to You? - Meet the Perth and Kinross Team 

We wanted to take the time to introduce ourselves, we are.... 

Picture of Moyra Gill

Moyra Gill 

Hiya, I'm Moyra and what matters to me is the wonderful people who touch my life, my faith, being out and about in nature (land or sea) and making a difference. I work in Learning & Development and I enjoy creating environments that enable people to flourish. My work means that I get to work with so many amazing and inspirational people across P&K. I love being part of the WMTYPK collaboration team and I'm so excited to work with you all to develop even more opportunities around person centred care and support, kindness and "what matters to you?

Picture of Suzanne Whyte

Suzanne Whyte

I became involved in the “What matters to you?” movement right at the start. It really felt important to me that staff heard the thanks that Tommy’s gives in his talk and I recognised the importance for staff having the right space to reflect on what really matters to them?

Inclusion is extremely important to me and I believe the best work is achieved by many people sharing the workload. It matters to me that staff have a balance with work and their own lives. If I can help teams reflect or work differently to achieve this I will. It really matters to me that staff are recognised for the great work they do every single day.

Picture of Melanie Hogg

Melanie Hogg 

Hi, I’m Mel. What matters to me? Within my own little bubble, my family (including my little cat, Wanda) and my health. Outside of that – it matters that everyone is treated fairly. That people are confident enough to go for what they want and work towards their goals, no matter who says what about it. It matters that my team feel involved and that the door is always open for them. Morals matter to me. 

Picture of Robin Kinnear

Robin Kinnear

Hi, my name is Robin and what matters to me is my family, my dogs, spending time with my friends, and all things entertainment (Film,TV and Music). I have been involved with WMTY since towards the end of 2022 from a marketing perspective attending all of these wonderful events and capturing images/data to share with the wider public. Seeing these amazing people at the events and hearing Tommy's story has been such a rewarding experience and it is a privilidge to share all of this with everyone. I can't encourage you enough to attend one of these sessions.  

Upcoming Events  

28th August 2024

Online Session (9.30am-10.30am)


Spaces are also limited for our online events so if you would like to register please get in touch via email

Celebration Event


We would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who attended the celebration event on the 23rd May 2024. We were overwhelmed with the positive stories that were shared and truly blown away by the response from such a wide range of groups from across Perth and Kinross and beyond.
This event was to celebrate the work that has been done around 'What Matters to You?' and to launch the publication that has been made to support and showcase some of this work. The publication is now live and while attendees were able to pick up physical copies, we are proud to launch the digital version that can be viewed on this page. 
We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the Jollity Express Choir who once again blew us all away, and to all of the speakers from the event:
Jacquie Pepper (Chief Officer, Health and Social Care Partnership), Amanda Taylor (Senior Service Manager for Older People, Palliative and Urgent Care), Shaun Maher (Strategic Advisor for Person Centred Care and Improvement), Sara Redmond (ALLIANCE, Chief Officer), Irene Oldfather (Director Strategic Partnerships, External Affairs and Outreach Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)), Andy Park (IAPK, Operation Manager), Angela Cunningham (Service Manager, HMP Perth, Justice Healthcare), Ian Hutton (Health and Wellbeing Manager, Live Active Leisure), Karen Hedge (Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Care), Nicola Maccallum (Manager, Kicarrathie House), Rachel Comrie (Learning and Development Officer, Living Well Care, HSCP), Craig Paterson (Senior Charge Nurse, Ward 2, Crieff Community Hospital), Poppy Jarratt (UNESCO Project Coordinator, Perth and Kinross Council), and of course Tommy Whitelaw (National Lead for Caring and Outreach, ALLIANCE).
Here are some photos that were captured at the event:

Celebration Event 23.05.23

 Here is a look at our presentation on the day while some speakers had slides to share others engaged with more of a conversation with attendees. 

wmty celebration event presentations.pdf


Useful Links

What Matters To You? - Ambassadors Page

What Matters To You? - Events

What Matters To You? - Examples

What Matters To You? - Resources