PK Learning & Development

PK Learning & Development

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We have been working hard behind the scenes to create a clear & concise pathway into a career in care so that anybody who may be interested has an understanding of what they need to do and where it can take you.

The group working on this has been meeting regularly since late last year and has been outlining the many ways of getting into a career in care within the Perth & Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), NHS Tayside (NHS), and Independent Sector (IS).

This is a great example of collaborative working with our colleagues in HSCP (NHS & PKC), Independent Sector, HR, Employment Initiatives, Developing the Young Workforce Team and Learning and Development, giving us a variation of perspectives, which allows us to create the best possible pathway we can.

We have been looking at the entry points that a career in care can begin on and building on these by highlighting the varying levels of experience and training that is required for each one. We want anyone that decides to take on a career in the care sector to have a very clear understanding of what is to be expected of them at each level and where they can go. This page is still a work in progress so things may continue to change.


Why Should I Care? - A Career in Care


This is a video from Brian Kinnear (Assistant Service Manager, Adult Social Work & Social care Services, Perth & Kinross HSCP) who has been using the above video to introduce a career in care to school pupils.




Career Pathway

We have been working on a way to demonstrate what a career in care can look like. The following document is an example and  shows you the various roles that fall under a career in Health and Social Care across the Perth & Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), NHS Tayside (NHS), and Independent Sector (IS). Also the route, although not always a linear one, that your career can take.

Learning Pathway

Much like the work we have been doing for demonstrating a career in care, we have been hard at work developing a learning pathway.

We want anyone who is interested in taking on this career path to fully understand what it entails and the initial work that is required for getting into a career in social care.

The pathway includes most of the essential elements to your learning across all roles within the  Perth & Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), NHS Tayside (NHS), and Independent Sector (IS), however may vary dependent on the specific role you have within each service.

Service Summary

get into care.pdf


lick on the link below to visit MyJobScotland to find out about any current vacancies that we may have.
MyJobScotland - Current Vacancies  
Here is the social care training offering, depicted in the training pathway above, in more detail: 
Pre-Learning Videos 

Keys to Caring - Digital Version 

Social Care Careers - Bing Video 

Foundation Apprenticeships - Health & Social Care - Heather & Jenna - YouTube 

Supply Social Care Officer Recruitment Promotion - YouTube 

SSSC Case Studies

Working with children & young people

Working with adults 

SSSC Inspiring Care Stories

Inspiring Care Stories - Scottish Social Services Council 


Level 1 Training 

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6


SSSC Induction HUB 

Shadowing Programme 

Buddying/Mentoring for a minimum of 2 weeks by all providers. Competency checklist/ assessment 

shadow programme.pdf


Level 2 Training 

Mandatory Training For all Staff
Course/Training  Description Accessed Via


Moving & Handling  To keep participants up to date with any changes to current practice, techniques, and usage of new equipment.
  • Booked via L&D
2 Day Manual Handling Induction Course or 1 Day Manual Handling Refresher Course
E-learning done prior to attending a 1 or 2 (initial) -½ day courses in person  Annual refresher ½ day in person
Emergency First Aid 

To provide staff with a basic range of First Aid skills to enable them to deal with First Aid emergencies in their workplace.

(Online modules and ½ day Attendance at Course)

E-learning done prior to a 1-day course in person




Certificate is valid for 3 years

Annually ½ skills update (no Cert)





3 yearly 1-day update

Medication  To understand roles and responsibilities when assisting service users and medicines. E- Learning done to complete course and then quiz at end – 70% pass mark required (only 2 attempts at quiz) Annually to complete the refresher training

Mandatory for all staff - E-Learning as part of blended learning model & attendance


Description  Accessed Via 
Dementia Levels

PKC Course/Trainings

Access to PDF dementia-skilled-resource-2016-final-web.pdf (
2 Skilled –Promoting Excellence Access to PDF dementia-skilled-resource-2016-final-web.pdf (
1 Informed –Promoting Excellence Access to PDF dementia-skilled-resource-2016-final-web.pdf (
Mandatory for all staff - E-Learning via PK Learning & can be accessed through ERIC or PKC Learn (



Accessed Via

Duration      Refresher
PKC Display Screen (DSE)

Understanding of the issues surrounding your workstation – DSE assessment to be completed if working from home

30 mins  Annually
Manual Handling Awareness 

Understanding of reducing risk from injury through incorrect lifting techniques

1 hour Annually
Introductory joint award to food hygiene (4 modules) Understanding of Food Hygiene 30 mins - 1 hour  Annually

GDPR (GDPR – Update)

To understand the changes and what it means for you as an employee and the data you may handle (2 Modules)

30 mins each module  Annually

Information Security User Awareness

To understand the importance of sensitive information and security breaches

30 mins  Annually
Freedom of Information Understanding of What FOI means for you
30 mins  Annually 

Employee Codes of Conduct

An understanding of clear and helpful advice to promote us work in a way the council expects from us as an employee

30 mins  Annually

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

To help you support the Council in meeting its duties in terms of equality and in ensuring our services are accessible and meet the needs and aspirations of the richly diverse communities of Perth and Kinross.

30 mins  Annually 

Adult Support & Protection

Aims to support you in:

  • Discussions about what adult protection is
  • How to recognise harm
  • To become clearer about your own role and responsibilities in recognising and responding to concerns
  • Become familiar with the ‘Perth and Kinross Multi-Agency Guidelines’
  • Increasing your confidence and ability to recognise and refer appropriately

3 1/2 hour workshops  Annually 

Child Protection & Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC)

To protect and maintain the wellbeing of children and young people – 2 Modules


Managing Risk and Uncertainty

Understanding Risk Analysis

To consider a process for managing risk and uncertainty, exploring the types of and sources of risk that can occur within organisations.

To consider how risk analysis techniques can be used as a basis for assessing the risks associated with making decisions within the organisation.

20 mins each   
Mandatory for all Staff – E-Learning via PK Learn and can be accessed through ERIC or PKC Learn (
Course/Training Description  Accessed Via Duration  Refresher 
Customer Service Standards 

To give information on providing excellent customer service

30 mins  Annually 
Duty of Candour 
Understanding of our responsibilities around responding, recording and learn from Duty of Candour incidents 30 mins  Annually

Mandatory for all Staff

Course/Training Description Accessed Via Duration  Refresher 
Moving with dignity training  This workshop is a mix of the theory behind moving with dignity and a practical session which includes new techniques and equipment.  You will learn the theory behind this approach, how it benefits the individual, the family and the carers.  There will also be demonstrations of the new equipment and techniques and you will be asked to get involved in the practical elements where you will learn new skills. 

These 2.5-hour sessions take place from 09:00 - 11:30 or 12:30 -15:00.

SmartFlat onsite training 

Onsite visit to smart flat with equipment demo

4-5 attendees max.

40 mins - 1 hour  Annually (shorter session TBA)
Keys to caring workshop  Key themes for the workshop; Reablement, Empathy, Reflection tools & Journaling, Theories & Models, Listening, Observations & Communication, Personalisation & Outcomes, Emotional Intelligence, Behaviour Change, Leadership at all levels, Wellbeing – Mindfulness, Perspectives & Perceptions, Values, Being Authentic with emotions, Service Design, Team Building
  • TBC, online/digital content will also be created

Record keeping  Tips for writing good records and reports  10 mins   
Suicide Prevention SIPP (Suicide Intervention & Prevention Programme) To raise awareness of suicide and mental health, encouraging open and supportive conversations about suicidal feelings, and working towards creating and maintaining communities in Perth and Kinross that value positive mental well-being.     
SVQ Level 2 Health & Social Care 

The SVQ in Social Services and Healthcare helps to develop skills and knowledge already gained in a care setting.

This SVQ Level 2 in Social Services and Healthcare is work-based and has a structured, but flexible delivery.
  • PKC Learning & Development Team
Approx. 1 year  

Desirable for all staff

Course/Training  Description  Accessed Via Duration  Refresher 
Simulated social care training workshop   Simulated session based on Working Together principles, what great care and support means to you, looks and feels like and what is important when delivering care  PKC Learning and Development 2.5 hours  
Open Badges 

Open Badges are a straightforward way to collect, manage and share evidence of learning in today’s digital world. You can collect them to evidence your learning and share them in places that matter to you, including offline as printable certificates. When you show your badge to someone, they will be able to see criteria against which the badge was issued and any evidence that you provided to prove you met that criteria.

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and dozens of other social service organisations issue Open Badges to recognise continuous and informal learning that would otherwise go unrecorded.

SSSC Open Badges     
Reflective and supportive supervision  Aims and objectives for the session will support the journey in relation to SVQ supervision learning. PKC Learning and Development 1.5 - 2 hours  TBC

Explore the roles and responsibilities of a successful coach and the techniques associated with one of the most powerful and effective methods of developing others at a manager's disposal.

eLearning through PKC Learn

Food and Hygiene Training Level 2

Online course suitable for staff who handle open foods (support required is more involved than use of a microwave and/or toaster).

Adult learning hub - Food and Hygiene Training Level 2 - Perth & Kinross Council (

Self Study which must be completed within 3 months of starting the course  
PK Learning & Development - Trauma Informed Practice 

"Trauma Informed Practice is a model that is grounded and directed by a complete understanding of how trauma exposure affects service user's neurological, biological, psychological and social development."

PKC Learning and Development

PK Learning & Development - Gender Violence

Learning resources in relation to gender-based violence.

PKC Learning and Development

PK Learning & Development - Difficult Discussions Matter 

Materials, resources, videos and articles that will help you to start exploring your own attitudes and behaviours and that of others, delving into the depths of Emotional Intelligence and communication theories that can support us to understand more about ourselves and others.

PKC Learning and Development

Strength & Balance 

To learn about the effects of ageing, benefits of activity, physical activity guidelines, why walking and strength and balance combined is best and the 8 exercises themselves.

Paths for All or Senior Reablement Assistants

Palliative Care  Foundations in Palliative and End of Life Care for support workers ECHO 5 X 2.5 hours = 12.5 hours per employee  Annually/3 yearly refreshers 
Pressure Ulcers 

Powerpoint presentation with information on the prevention and management of pressure ulcers 

PKC Learn    
Urinary Continence and Catheter Care  Powerpoint presentation with information on urinary continence and catheter care  PKC Learn    

Level 3 Training 

Advanced training for employed Staff in order to further their personal and professional development - Ambassadors should have a robust understanding of the subject, keep up to date on relevant policies/procedures and legislation, complete audits if applicable and advocate for and promote the subject with colleagues on a 1:1 basis.  Trainers should take on the ambassador role as well as regularly facilitate group learning sessions.  You will be given protected time to develop your learning.

Course/Training  Description of minimum training/knowledge acquired  Role Type  Accessed Via  Duration  Refresher 

SMART Flat onsite training 





1-2 shadowing sessions with Community Alarm

Familiar with TEC training pack 

Health & Safety 

Infection Control - Why prevention and control matters





Infection Prevention and Control 





Manual for Older People and Adult Care Homes Webinar 


Learning Session 

1 - 1.5 hours 


Skin integrity/prevention and management of pressure ulcers 








Learning Session 

1 - 1.5 hours


Skin Breakdown App



Pressure Ulcers 


PU PowerPoint Jan 19 V2



Promotion of continence and assessment of bladder dysfunction in adults








Learning Session 

1 - 1.5 hours 


IOSH (Care home staff only)





COSHH (Care home staff only)





Incident Investigation (Care home staff only)




Palliative care 

Undertake additional training to enable delivery of level 2 refreshers 

Trainer  ECHO   Annual/3 yearly refreshers
Catheter & Stoma care 

DN demonstration to equip carers with the confidence and knowledge to care for people with stomas and catheters.


District Nursing 


Ostomy Surgeries

Ostomy Tips and Tricks | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (


What is a Stoma?

What is a stoma? - Macmillan Cancer Support

Drugs & Alcohol 

Shadowing session with PKC Drug and Alcohol Team

On contact list to receive up to date info and training opportunities

Familiar with website


Supporting or handling medication in the social care sector


ARC Scotland

1 day  
Pressure Ulcers 

Attendance at facilitated session with Practice Development Nurse 



Urinary Continence and Catheter Care 

Attendance at facilitated session with Practice Development Nurse 



Manual Handling  HSCP Accredited H&M Associate Trainer  Trainer   TBC  TBC  TBC

Leadership Qualities 


Management Fundamentals

Essential Decision-Making Skills for Today’s Manager

Shared Services Leadership Platform


Handling and Moving Trainer, P & K Learning and Development team 

PKC Learn

2 x ½ day shadowing with H&M Trainer and 4 x full day Associate Trainer sessions    TBC either annual or 2 yearly 

Team based work, collaboration, participation and co design.


PKC Learn


Collective Leadership for Scotland


Collective Leadership for Scotland – What does it take to lead in times like these? (


SSSC Step into Leadership – Leadership learning pathways for Scotland’s social services


Welcome To Step Into Leadership


Leading Others - This is a rigorous and in-depth period of learning and development from which you will emerge a more confident and effective leader able to engage and empower those around you.


Leading Others | Thistle Foundation

Handheld records Delivery of PowerPoint Presentation  Trainer  Karl Waymark & Adam Phillips -    
Strength & Balance cascade  Upskilling you to deliver the Strength and Balance workshop.  You will be equipped with everything you need to know to successfully deliver the workshop, utilising a suite of resources from Paths for All. Trainer  Paths for All   2 X 1/2 Days  


Be familiar with easy read versions


















PKC Learning & Development - Conditions    

Conditions - ADHD


Conditions - Arthritis 

Versus Arthritis | All of us pushing to defy arthritis    

Conditions - Autism


Conditions - Brain Injury

Headway - the brain injury association | Headway    

Conditions - COPD

Chest Information & Support - Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (    

Conditions - Dementia

We are Scotland's dementia charity (    

Conditions - Falls


Conditions - Foot


Conditions - MND


Conditions - MS 

Home | MS Trust    

Conditions - Oral


Conditions - Parkinson's Disease 

Homepage | Parkinson's UK (    

Conditions - Rheumatoid Arthritis 

NRAS | Rheumatoid arthritis charity    

Conditions - Stroke

Home - Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (    

Conditions - Stroke Competencies

Core Competencies - CHSS eLearning    

Conditions - Tourette's Syndrome 


SVQ Level 3 Health & Social Care 

The Level 3 Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 7 allows candidates to demonstrate competence in job related skills in their particular area of work.

To attain the qualification candidates must complete 8 Units in total. This comprises:

  • 4 Mandatory Units
  • 4 Optional Units
PKC Learning & Development Team Approx. 2 years